the updates

:( freedom wings and freedom helmets did not come out i guess we have to wait til next year

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sorry For Not posting

sorry! i have not posted for about 25 days its because i dont have time for my blog that much anymore so im gonna try to post about everyday! :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pet Turtles!

Augusts monthly gift is golden phantom statues the one highlited is the one i got! 

and pet turtles are here!

theres also a pets only party

and a costume corner this time theres 2 costumes!
(click to enlarge)

and the only new item is  zios fountain for 750 gems
in my opinion i dont like this update exept for
pet turtles

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fishermans Cape

in bahari bargains you can get a fishermans cape
for 650 gems!