the updates

:( freedom wings and freedom helmets did not come out i guess we have to wait til next year

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pet Bats

for pet bats click the bat picture on wall or the small black line 

Phantom Necklace And Compass

in sunken tresures you can get a compass
in spooky party you can get a phantom necklace

party over

i was gonna go to wolf  party but this showed up

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another Message

Ocean Best Dressed

Did you know? There's now an ocean Best Dressed!
Ocean Best Dressed

ghost window and duck pillow

in pet shop you can get a duck pillow!

in spooky party u can get ghost window 

Pages under construction

the pages are under construction so dont really go to them if you do go to a page it will say a number so dont worry about pages please

Thursday, April 26, 2012

new update pt 2.

in pet shop u can get grass with worms and duck crossing sign 

the contest winners item and its actually named after her , cleverclaws dresser 

underwater best dressed 

and the snake game!

Spooky Party

theres a graveyard

and a den shop 

music shop

click moon and a bunch of bats come out

there is a clothing shop with phantom balloon! beta skull helmet! and scary bell hat and mask

click the ghost thing and u get a ghost

get in this mist

and u become invisible almost!

new update pt.1

bake kitchen and diamond phantom

in epic wonders you can get bake kichen and diamond phantom 

rare spiked hair

it is in jam mart clothing

Friday, April 20, 2012

hanging anchor

in sunken tresures you can get a hanging anchor

train set and flippers

in bahari bargains you can get flippers!

in jam mart furniture you can get the ultra rare train set now!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Author!

Hello! I am a new author for Awesome Cool Wolf's Animal Jam Flare. My username is Kennedy13123. I will be posting updates and things often. So be sure to check back! :)

dog door

in pet shop you can get a dog door

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cap and Mat

in atlantis party you can get a cap

in pet shop you can get a dog mat